Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Scratch and Grading Projects

I just realized that once in a while I am actually able to create something that takes less time to do than if I did it by paper. Normally I spend 5 hours making something easier that would normally take 1 hour by hand. The hope is of course that I am able to use it again or teach others to use it.

Recently I spent a few weeks working with the students on Scratch (the programming tool/language). Their project was to design, make and test a game using Scratch (The assignment is here). While they were allowed to design any game I decided to introduce them to Pong and Space Invaders - two classics. The students just loved it and some spent significant amounts of time outside the classroom working on the projects.

I am just now grading them and because I went through a few iterations of the process I though it might be interesting to share.

Students turn in their Scratch game by sharing it in a Scratch "Studio" that I create -here's how

  1. The students set up a scratch account either with their parents or on their own - 
  2. I set up a scratch account for me 
  3. I create Scratch "Studios", one for each class - in my case 7X, 7Y, 7Z
  4. I then check the box marked "allow anyone to add projects" and copy the URL
  5. The students log into their scratch account 
  6. I share the URL through our website which they click on. Scratch recognizes that they are logged in and allows them to upload their game to my studio
Grading - Using Google form
  1. I create a google survey as a rubric for the grading.
  2. I another window I log into my Scratch account and, well, play the games (I never thought my job would involve playing video games!)
  3.  For each student I fill out the survey as I play his/her game

The spreadsheet then add up the scores and I enter them into my grading program.

Here is a screenshot

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